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Best Wood for Saunas: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Type of Wood

Best Wood for Saunas: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Type of Wood

If you're considering building a sauna, one of the most important decisions you'll make is what type of wood to use. The right wood can help create the perfect sauna experience, while the wrong wood can lead to discomfort, poor performance, and even safety hazards. In this article, we'll explore the different types of wood that are commonly used for saunas, and help you determine which one is right for you.

Understanding Sauna Woods When it comes to sauna woods, there are several factors to consider. First, you want a wood that is able to withstand the high temperatures and humidity levels that are typical in a sauna. You also want a wood that is able to resist warping, cracking, and other damage that can be caused by exposure to heat and moisture. Finally, you want a wood that is able to provide the right aroma and aesthetic for your sauna.

Cedar Wood for Saunas Cedar is one of the most popular woods for saunas, and for good reason. It has a pleasant aroma that is both relaxing and invigorating, and it is able to withstand the high temperatures and humidity levels of a sauna without warping or cracking. Cedar is also naturally resistant to insects and decay, making it a durable and long-lasting choice. However, cedar can be expensive, and it may not be the best choice if you have allergies or sensitivities to the wood's natural oils.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right wood is crucial for creating the perfect sauna experience.
  • Cedar is a popular choice for its pleasant aroma, durability, and resistance to heat and moisture.
  • Hemlock, spruce, and pine are also popular choices, each with their own unique benefits and drawbacks.

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Understanding Sauna Woods

When it comes to building a sauna, selecting the right wood is crucial. The right wood can make your sauna experience more enjoyable and long-lasting. There are many types of woods available to choose from, but not all woods are suitable for saunas. In this section, we will go over the different types of sauna woods and what makes them ideal for saunas.

Softwood vs. Hardwood

The two main categories of wood are softwood and hardwood. Softwood comes from coniferous trees like pine, cedar, and spruce. Hardwood comes from deciduous trees like oak, birch, and maple. Softwood is the most commonly used wood for saunas due to its natural resistance to moisture and heat. It also has a pleasant aroma that adds to the sauna experience. Hardwood, on the other hand, is denser and more durable, but it is also more expensive.


Cedar is the most popular choice for sauna wood. It is a softwood that is naturally resistant to decay and insects. Cedar also has a pleasant aroma that enhances the sauna experience. It has a light color and a straight grain, which makes it easy to work with. Cedar is also a good insulator, which helps to keep the sauna warm.


Spruce is another popular choice for sauna wood. It is a softwood that is light in color and has a straight grain. Spruce is less expensive than cedar and is readily available. It is also a good insulator, which helps to keep the sauna warm. However, spruce is not as durable as cedar and may require more maintenance over time.


Pine is a softwood that is less expensive than cedar and spruce. It has a yellowish color and a straight grain. Pine is easy to work with and readily available. However, it is not as durable as cedar or spruce and may require more maintenance over time.

Other Woods

Other woods that are suitable for saunas include hemlock, aspen, and basswood. Hemlock is a softwood that is similar to cedar in appearance and durability. Aspen is a hardwood that is light in color and has a straight grain. Basswood is a hardwood that is light in color and has a fine grain.

In conclusion, when selecting the right wood for your sauna, it is important to consider the wood's durability, resistance to moisture and heat, and its insulating properties. Cedar, spruce, and pine are the most commonly used woods for saunas. However, other woods such as hemlock, aspen, and basswood are also suitable options.

Cedar Wood for Saunas

Cedar wood is one of the most popular choices for sauna construction. Western red cedar, in particular, is a common material used for sauna interiors due to its natural resistance to moisture and decay. Cedar wood also has a pleasant aroma, which can enhance the sauna experience.

In addition to its aroma and durability, cedar wood has other benefits that make it a great choice for saunas. Cedar wood is a poor conductor of heat, which means that it does not get too hot to the touch. This makes it comfortable to sit on and lean against. Cedar wood also has natural oils that can repel insects, making it a good choice for outdoor saunas.

When it comes to sauna construction, the type of cedar wood used can make a difference. Clear grade cedar wood is the highest quality and has fewer knots and defects. However, it is also more expensive than lower grade cedar wood. A lower grade cedar wood may have more knots and defects, but it can still be a good choice for sauna construction.

Overall, cedar wood is a great choice for sauna construction due to its durability, pleasant aroma, and resistance to moisture and decay.

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Hemlock Wood for Saunas

Hemlock wood is a popular choice for saunas due to its hypoallergenic and durable properties. Canadian hemlock and western hemlock are two common types of hemlock wood used for saunas. Hemlock wood has a light color and is known for its straight grain and fine texture. It is also resistant to warping and cracking, making it a long-lasting option for saunas.

One of the benefits of hemlock wood is its hypoallergenic nature. It does not contain any toxins or allergens that can cause respiratory issues, making it a safe option for those with allergies or sensitivities. Hemlock wood also has a natural resistance to bacteria and fungus, which helps maintain a clean and healthy sauna environment.

In addition to its hypoallergenic properties, hemlock wood is also durable and can withstand the high heat and humidity levels in saunas. It is less likely to warp or crack compared to other types of wood, which makes it a practical choice for sauna construction.

Overall, hemlock wood is a great option for saunas due to its hypoallergenic and durable properties. It is a safe and long-lasting choice that can provide a comfortable and healthy sauna experience.

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Spruce and Pine Wood for Saunas

When it comes to building a sauna, spruce and pine wood are two of the most commonly used types of wood. Both of these woods are readily available, affordable, and have many desirable qualities that make them great for sauna construction.

Spruce wood is a popular choice for saunas due to its light color and smooth texture. It is a softwood that is easy to work with, making it a popular choice for DIY sauna builders. Spruce wood is also known for its low resin content, which means that it does not produce much smoke or odor when heated. This makes it a great choice for those who are sensitive to strong smells.

Pine wood is another popular choice for saunas. Nordic spruce and Norway spruce are two popular types of pine wood used for sauna construction. Pine wood is known for its durability and strength, which makes it a great choice for high-traffic saunas. It is also known for its high resin content, which gives it a distinct aroma when heated. Some people find the smell of pine wood to be relaxing and therapeutic.

When choosing between spruce and pine wood for your sauna, it's important to consider your personal preferences and needs. Both types of wood have their own unique qualities and benefits. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your budget, the size of your sauna, and your personal preferences.

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Other Types of Wood for Saunas

Aside from cedar, there are other types of wood that are suitable for saunas. These woods include aspen, basswood, poplar, eucalyptus, and redwood. Each of these woods has its own unique properties that make them suitable for saunas.

Aspen is a popular choice for sauna wood because it is soft and light. It is also less expensive than cedar. However, it is not as durable as cedar and may require more maintenance.

Basswood is another soft wood that is commonly used for saunas. It has a light color and a fine texture, making it a good choice for those who prefer a more natural look. However, it is not as resistant to decay as cedar and may require more frequent maintenance.

Poplar is a hardwood that is often used for sauna interiors. It has a light color and a smooth texture, making it a good choice for those who prefer a more modern look. However, it is not as durable as cedar and may require more maintenance.

Eucalyptus is a hardwood that is known for its pleasant aroma. It is also resistant to decay and insects, making it a good choice for sauna wood. However, it is more expensive than cedar and may be harder to find.

Redwood is a durable hardwood that is often used for outdoor saunas. It has a rich color and a natural resistance to decay and insects. However, it is more expensive than cedar and may require more maintenance.

When choosing wood for your sauna, it is important to consider factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, and cost. Cedar remains the most popular choice due to its durability and resistance to decay and insects. However, other woods such as aspen, basswood, poplar, eucalyptus, and redwood can also be suitable depending on your preferences and needs.

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Infrared Saunas and Wood Types

When it comes to infrared saunas, the type of wood used can have an impact on the overall experience. One of the most popular wood types used for infrared saunas is cedar. Cedar is a great choice for infrared saunas because it is a natural insect repellent and has a pleasant aroma. In addition, cedar has a low thermal conductivity, which means it does not absorb heat quickly, making it comfortable to sit on for longer periods.

Another wood type that is commonly used for infrared saunas is hemlock. Hemlock is a very durable wood and is resistant to warping and cracking. It is also a good insulator, which means it retains heat well. Hemlock has a light color and a smooth texture, which can add to the aesthetic appeal of the sauna.

In addition to cedar and hemlock, some infrared saunas are also made with basswood. Basswood is a lightweight wood that is easy to work with and has a uniform texture. It is also a good insulator and has a low thermal conductivity. However, basswood is not as durable as other wood types and may not be suitable for high-traffic saunas.

When choosing a wood type for your infrared sauna, it is important to consider the quality of the wood as well as its properties. The wood should be free from knots and other imperfections that could affect its durability. It should also be able to withstand the high temperatures and humidity levels that are typical of saunas.

Overall, cedar, hemlock, and basswood are all good choices for infrared saunas. Each wood type has its own unique properties and benefits, so it is important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision.

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Cost and Durability of Sauna Woods

When it comes to building a sauna, selecting the right wood is crucial. The wood you choose will affect the cost, durability, longevity, and decay resistance of your sauna. In this section, we'll discuss the cost and durability of different types of sauna woods.


Cedar is a popular choice for saunas because of its natural resistance to decay and insects. It is also known for its pleasing aroma and attractive appearance. Cedar is a relatively expensive wood, but its durability makes it a worthwhile investment. A cedar sauna can last for decades with proper maintenance.


Hemlock is a cost-effective alternative to cedar. It is a softwood that is easy to work with and has a light color that can be stained or left natural. Hemlock is not as resistant to decay as cedar, but it can still last for many years if properly cared for.


Spruce is another softwood that is often used for saunas. It is a less expensive option than cedar or hemlock, but it is also less durable. Spruce saunas require more maintenance and may need to be replaced sooner than cedar or hemlock saunas.


Pine is a common wood used for saunas because of its low cost. However, it is not as durable as cedar, hemlock, or spruce. Pine saunas require regular maintenance and may need to be replaced more frequently.

In conclusion, the cost and durability of sauna woods vary depending on the type of wood you choose. Cedar is the most durable but also the most expensive, while pine is the least expensive but also the least durable. Hemlock and spruce are both good options for those on a budget, but they require more maintenance than cedar. Ultimately, the choice of wood comes down to personal preference and budget.

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Design and Aesthetic Considerations

When it comes to designing a sauna, the type of wood used is a crucial consideration. Not only does the wood need to be able to withstand the high temperatures and humidity levels, but it also plays a significant role in the overall aesthetic and character of the sauna.

One of the most popular types of wood for saunas is cedar. Cedar is known for its natural resistance to decay and insects, making it an excellent choice for saunas that are exposed to high levels of moisture. Eastern White Cedar, in particular, is a popular choice for its lighter color and tight knots in the wood, which can add character and texture to the sauna's design.

Another popular option is hemlock. Hemlock is a light-colored wood that is known for its durability and resistance to warping and cracking. It is also a more affordable option than cedar, making it a popular choice for those on a budget.

In addition to the type of wood used, the design and layout of the sauna can also play a significant role in its aesthetic appeal. From the size and shape of the sauna to the placement of windows and benches, every aspect of the design should be carefully considered to create a comfortable and inviting space.

When designing a sauna, it's important to keep in mind the overall aesthetic and character you want to achieve. Whether you're going for a rustic, natural look or a more modern, sleek design, the type of wood you choose can play a significant role in achieving your desired aesthetic.

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Health Benefits and Safety Considerations

Sauna bathing has been associated with various health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, detoxification, and antibacterial and antifungal effects. However, it is important to note that the type of wood used in the sauna can impact these benefits and also affect safety considerations.

When it comes to health benefits, sauna bathing has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate, blood circulation, and oxygenation of tissues. Regular sauna use has also been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Moreover, sauna therapy has been found to enhance detoxification by promoting sweating and improving lymphatic circulation. Some types of wood, such as cedar, are known for their antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.

However, safety should also be a top consideration when choosing the type of wood for your sauna. Some types of wood can release toxic fumes or cause allergic reactions, which can be harmful to your health. For instance, some softwoods, such as spruce or pine, can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when exposed to high temperatures, which can cause respiratory problems. On the other hand, hardwoods, such as cedar or hemlock, are non-toxic and safe to use in saunas.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the wood used in the sauna is of high quality and properly treated to prevent mold and decay. Poor quality wood can compromise the safety and effectiveness of the sauna, and also affect its lifespan.

Overall, when choosing the type of wood for your sauna, it is important to consider both the health benefits and safety considerations. Hardwoods, such as cedar or hemlock, are generally considered the best options due to their non-toxic and antibacterial properties. However, it is important to ensure that the wood is of high quality and properly treated to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which types of wood are recommended for building indoor saunas?

When it comes to building indoor saunas, the most commonly recommended types of wood are cedar, hemlock, and spruce. Cedar is a popular choice due to its natural resistance to moisture, decay, and insects. Hemlock is another popular choice due to its durability and affordability. Spruce is a softer wood that is also commonly used, but it requires more frequent maintenance and sealing.

What are the benefits of using cedar wood in saunas?

Cedar wood is a popular choice for saunas due to its natural resistance to moisture, decay, and insects. It also has a pleasant aroma that can enhance the sauna experience. Cedar wood also has a low thermal conductivity, which means it doesn't get too hot to the touch and is comfortable to sit on.

Can outdoor saunas be made with the same wood as indoor saunas?

While the same types of wood can be used for outdoor saunas as for indoor saunas, it's important to choose a wood that is suitable for outdoor use. Cedar, redwood, and teak are all popular choices for outdoor saunas due to their durability and resistance to moisture and decay.

What is the difference between sauna wood panels and regular wood panels?

Sauna wood panels are specifically designed for use in saunas and are made from wood that is suitable for the high temperatures and humidity levels found in saunas. Regular wood panels are not suitable for use in saunas and can warp or crack due to the high temperatures and humidity levels.

Are there any specific types of wood recommended for sauna benches?

Sauna benches should be made from a wood that is comfortable to sit on and can withstand the high temperatures and humidity levels found in saunas. Cedar, hemlock, and spruce are all commonly used for sauna benches.

Is there a cheaper alternative to cedar wood for building saunas?

While cedar wood is a popular choice for saunas, it can be expensive. Hemlock and spruce are both cheaper alternatives that are also commonly used for saunas. However, they require more frequent maintenance and sealing than cedar wood.

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